Today was the first day of the Online Term 3 Cohort of the Digital Fluency Intensive. Our focus today was on ‘Core Business’. This morning I really enjoyed increasing my understanding of the Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy. Something that really stood out to me was when we were looking at the visual of the Manaiakalani hook from heaven and thinking about that idea of hooking children into learning. Dorothy spoke about how engaged our tamariki are with technology, and how we need to utilise that engagement for learning. As a New Entrant classroom we don’t always use technology in the same way that classes with older children do, but this encouraged me to think about how we can use our iPads in a greater capacity, particularly for the share element of learning. We do a lot of talking sharing within our class, but given how engaged our parents are I would like to increase our digital sharing, as sharing with the parents (who are the main group of people checking our class blog), is very...