The DFI has been one of the most useful professional development courses I have been a part of. It was incredibly well organised, rewindable (which is excellent) and very hands on, which just like the kids is where my best learning happens. I really appreciated having the opportunity to delve deeper into the Manaiakalani pedagogy and kaupapa and feel I now have a much better understanding of the ‘why’ behind what we do. I feel so much more confident using Google Tools - particularly sites, meet and forms which I had really limited experience with coming into the DFI. The explore and implementation time we have been given throughout the sessions was really useful for putting things into practice as well. For example, I have already made a lot of changes to our class site. Some of the extensions we have learnt about like Colour Picker, Toby Mini and Mote have also been really great. Being able to save groups of tabs in Toby Mini has changed the way I work completely, and I act...